A contemporary circus performance about climate psychology and the beauty in nature.
Touring in the Nordics from the fall of 2021
English Description
Eight feet, four suit jackets, 200 newspapers, and a chaos of branches and twigs. Welcome to the wonderful world of KIME!
KIME is a spectacular contemporary performance about the beauty of nature. Four artists scream out the frustration we all carry when it comes to the climate crisis, bring the forest with them into the space, and sow a seed of hope.
In a multidisciplinary layer of daunting acrobatics, opera song, street dance and physical theatre, Acting for Climate creates explosive and poetic imagery on the transformation we as a society and as individuals have to go through. KIME is a reminder of all the beautiful, fun, and surprising in the world that is worth fighting, school striking and roaring for.
By physically being able to turn themselves upside down, the acrobats can see the world from a new perspective. We invite you to explore the world through the eyes of the acrobats.
KIME is a story of hope, countering the doomsday scenery we all are confronted with. How we move from disaster, through grief into community, for a new story to be told. It is about being a human walking this earth, about nature, and about our relationships. The performance is inspired by climate psychology and how we most effectively act on climate and environmental issues.
KIME will tour the Nordic countries in cold season of 2021/22. Get in touch for more information, technical specifications, or to say hi.
On stage:
Emma Langmoen – contemporary circus artist (NO)
Abigael Winsvold – contemporary circus artist (NO)
Marika Schultze – opera singer (SE)
Amund Bentsen – dancer (DK)
KIME is created collectively in the company, by the idea and concept of Winsvold and Langmoen. All the performers in KIME have therefore acted the roles of co-creators, directors and choreographers, in collaboration with the following outside eyes and co-creators:
Actor and musician William Yazaki Schou (DK), musician and performer Frøydis Dahlø (NO), circus artist Ida Langkilde (DK), dancer and choreographer Annabel Reid (BE), composer and sound artist Lasse Munk (NO), composer and musician Bendik Sells (NO) and producer Durita Sumberg Poulsen (FOE).
Booking: actingforclimate@gmail.com
Made possible with the support of Lemvigh-Müller fonden, The Nordic Council of Ministers, Fjelldansen Residency, SALT Art and Music, Klimafestivalen §112, and the amazing Friends of Acting for Climate. Thank you!
En nycirkus forestilling om klimakrisen og det smukke i naturen.
Nypremiere i efteråret 2021, og turne i Danmark.
Premiere: AFUK (København)
10 nov 2021 kl. 19:00
Otte fødder, fire jakkersæts jakker, 200 aviser, og et kaos af grene og kviste. Velkommen til KIME.
2 cirkusartister, en operasanger og en danser, står i et univers af aviser, med nyheder om klimakatastrofer. Vi lære disse personer at kende, mens de langsomt bryder sammen under vægten af informationer de skal tage stilling til. Ud af afmagten og sorgen opdager de naturen på en ny måde, og i denne opdagelse ligger der en KIME til håb.
Med halsbrækkende akrobatik, fysisk teater, operasang, dans og musik vil Acting for Climate skabe eksplosive og poetiske billeder af de ændringer vi som samfund må gå igennem sammen i lyset af klimakrisen. Akrobaterne kan vende om på, hvad der er op og ned, og kan derfor se verden fra et nyt perspektiv. Vil vi gerne invitere jer tilskuere til at se verden gennem akrobaternes øjne.
KIME er en påmindelse om, alt det smukke, morsomme og flotte i verden, og alt dét, som er værd at kæmpe, demonstrere, strejke og brøle for.
Forestillingen bygger på teorier fra klima-psykologien. Acting for Climate forsker i fysiske og konkrete elementer i de psykologiske barrierer, som forhindrer os mennesker i at handle. Tematisk handler forestillingen om, hvad der gør menneskeheden egnet til at enes om et fælles klima- og miljøprojekt.
Det kunstneriske hold:
Emma Langmoen – nycirkusartist (NO)
Abigael Winsvold – nycirkusartist (NO)
Marika Schultze – operasanger (SE)
Amund Bentsen – danser (DK)
Mail: actingforclimate@gmail.com
Forestillingen er refusionsgodkendt i Danmark af Statens Kunstfond, og støttet af Nordisk Ministerråd, Lemvigh-Müller fonden, Fjelldansen residens, SALT Art and Music og Klimafestivalen §112.