The core artistic team
Abigael R. Winsvold (NO/DK) – Board Member – (+47) 92296862

Abigael co-founded Acting for Climate to respond to the her urge in finding ways to express issues related to climate change and sustainability through arts. She is specialised in partner acrobatics and rope from AMoC (Academy for Modern Circus) in Copenhagen and CODARTS Circus Department in Rotterdam. In her artistic work, she focuses on interdisciplinarity by combining dance, theatre and circus, with a focus on using scientific research in the art-processes.
Emma S. Langmoen (NO/FI) – Board Member – (+47) 92811085

A circus artist with a background in environmental politics and activism; Emma immediately found her artistic home in Acting for Climate. She has been part of running the company since 2018. When she is not wearing the hats of artist/creator/board member/multitasker in A4C, she is the Artistic Director for Oslo Nysirkus and a freelance performer. Emma is interested in physical and verbal poetry, the emotional perception of climate change on the individual and collective, and how sensory experiences can create closeness to nature. She deeply believes that everything is political.
Amund Lindvang Bentsen (DK) – Board Member

Amund is a dancer, choreographer, and interpreter whose main focus is bringing together the often considered opposites of nature and culture. His foundation is in the hiphop dance community, and from there he grows his artistic expression together with existential and environmental questions, from the creation of his first dance theatre piece “Verden er vores krop”(2015) at the National museum in Denmark, to the video art exhibition “when the world becomes our body”(2020). When he is not doing artistic projects, he is doing activism or in school. He has his own company
Stretching Roots.
Heidi Miikki (FI)

Heidi is a Helsinki-based dancer and circus artist who has a dancer’s education from Outokumpu, Finland. She studied circus at AFUK in Copenhagen and she holds a BA degree from Turku Arts Academy. She dances and jumps on the tightwire, on the ground, in a harness, and climbs the pole and trees. Heidi is fascinated by movement, improvisation, playfulness and nature (among many other things!). She is an environmentalist to whom empathy, caring and meeting are the core of being. Heidi has been working with several companies and made her own multidisciplinary work combining circus, dance, music and film.
Federica Parise (IT)

Federica Parise is a cultural manager who works as a freelance producer and communications executive all over Europe. She crossed paths with Acting for Climate in 2021 and she is currently managing all the companies’ projects. She graduated in Theatre and Audiovisual Studies from Sorbonne University (Paris) and quickly started working as a communications manager and performing arts organizer. From Stockholm – working on an eco-documentary – to New York – working in the advertising field, Federica enriched her wanderlust and love for multidisciplinarity in the performing arts. She firmly believes in the power of creativity as a didactic and inspirational tool for young generations.
Main Contributors
Bergsmyrene Biodynamic Farm & Severin Romer Iversen (NO)

Since 2018, we have collaborated with this wonderful farm south of Oslo. Severin is a dancer/circus artist turned farmer. Severin has provided over the years delicious and sustainably grown vegetables to the team.
Karen O’Brien (US/NO)

Karen O’Brien Karen O’Brien is a Professor in the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo, Norway. She is also co-founder of cCHANGE, an organization that supports public engagement with transformations to sustainability. Karen’s research emphasizes the social and human dimensions of climate change and implications for human security. She has been heavily involved in the IPCC work on climate mitigation. Her work and guidance has informed our work since 2020.
Frøydis Dahlø (NO)

Frøydis Dahlø work in A4C as a performer, composer and producer. They focus on building narratives for our future worlds, towards a post-anthropocentric time. Using posthumanism, feminism and ecological knowledge. Frøydis is educated in contemporary composition and – improvisation and Human Geographies (University of Gothenburg and Oslo).
Hawila Project (DK)

Acting for Climate collaborates with
Hawila Project, a non-profit organisation, that is restoring repurposing and sailing an old ice-freighter from 1935. Now the crew is working towards honoring its legacy by developing a network of trade, education and cultural exchange.
Circus Syd (SE)

We are artists in residency with Cirkus Syd, that will house Acting for Climate in 2022-24. Cirkus Syd is a networking platform for international research, development and innovation based in Lund, Sweden.
Acting for Climate Montréal (CA/US)

The Acting For Climate tree is growing, both as a professional stage-performance company, with a European branch, and a Montréal branch, and as a community platform for arts and sustainability.
The artists in our projects
Bark 2023 | Heidi Miikki (FI), Emma Langmoen (NO), Abigael Winsvold (NO), David Eisele (DE), Frøydis Dahlø (NO), Michele De Riu (IT). |
Circus for Climate – Latvia 2022-2023 | Amund Bentsen (DK), Emma Langmoen (NO), Abigael Winsvold (NO), Aleksey Smolov (LV), Maija Sukute (LV), Alise Bokaldere (LV), Kaspars Kurdeko (LV), Michele De Riu (IT). |
Dandelion 2023 | Emma Langmoen (NO), Amund Lindvang Bentsen (DK), and co-created with Alise Bokaldere, Aleksejs Smolovs, Maija Sukute, Michele De Riu (IT) and Abigael Winsvold (NO). Kaspars Kurdeko (music), Kristīne Abika (set design), Jūlija Bondarenko (lights), Aurēlija Rancāne (costume design). |
Redoubt Skalka Slovakia 2022-2023 | Amund Bentsen (DK), Frøydis Dahlø (NO). |
Ripples 2022 | Emma Langmoen (NO), Abigael Winsvold (NO), Ole Skovgård Dampe (DK), Marie Binda (FR), Heidi Miikki (FI), Lucie Piot (FR), Max Behrendt (SE) Director: Hanne Trap Friis (DK); composer: Annelie Nederberg (SE); costume designer: Michiel Tange van Leeuwen (NL/DK); rigging design: Matt Horton (UK/SE); sound technician: Elia Hüsler (CH). |
Bark 2021-2022 | Heidi Miikki (FI), Emma Langmoen (NO), Abigael Winsvold (NO), David Eisele (DE), Frøydis Dahlø (NO). Substitutes: Stina Kopra (FI), William Yazaki Schou (DK), Fabian Hansen (DK). |
Greenhouse Network 2021-2022 | Zelda Lyseng Storvik (NO), Leon Börgens (DE), Tamar Ohana Goksøyr (NO), Mari Stoknes (NO), Hrista Panayotova (BUL), Linh Le (DK), Polina Shubina (RUS), Wout Deneyer (BEL), Maria Lothe (NO), Siânna Bruce (SE/GB), Freja Kreutzfeldt (DK), Anna Stickler (SE), Giorgia Reitani (IT/DK), Amund Bentsen (DK), Abigael Winsvold (NO), Heidi Miikki (FIN), Emma Langmoen (NO), Frøydis Dahlø (NO). |
Kime 2020-2021 | Emma Langmoen (NO), Amund Bentsen (DK), Abigael Winsvold (NO), Ida Langkilde (DK), William Yazaki (DK), Marika Schultze (SE/NO), Annabel Reid (BE). |
Into the Water 2018-2019 | Ida Langkilde (DK), Villads Bugge Bang(DK), William Yazaki (NO), Lasse Munk (DK), Emma Langmoen (NO), Abigael Winsvold (NO), Nathan Biggs Penton (CAN/US), Victoria Gulliksen (NO). |
Other important people
Former core-crew members | Frøydis Dahlø (NO), Zelda Lyseng-Storvik (NO), Ida Langkilde (DK), Villads Bugge Bang(DK), William Yazaki (NO), Nathan Biggs Penton (CAN/US), Victoria Gulliksen (NO). |
Past members and collaborators | Victoria Sophie Gulliksen – co-founder (NO), Zelda Lyseng-Storvik (NO), Franciska Seifert Eliassen (NO), Sunniva Sætereng (NO), Durita Sumberg Poulsen (FOE), Karoline Hill – social media (DE), Isabella De Judicibus – tour manager (IT). |
Acting for Climate Outstretching Network
Our network of collaborators is growing, and we are not able to present everyone here. Please contact us if you are interested in more information on Acting for Climate and all the people involved in the movement, or if you would like to get involved.
Consider donating if you wish to support our projects!